Sunday, October 21, 2007

Wonderful Sat

The day start with a shock. Wall street tumbles with Dow falling over 300 plus point. Think it is the worst I ever seen. Last night before I go to bed it was just hovering around negative 200 points. Monday will be a bloodbath for all Asia market, unless Shanghai and HK perform some kind of stun. Well this might be the opportunity for some people to go in and pick up cheap stock.

The afternoon started with a nap and then off to Raoul warehouse sales. It was not a good sales compare to the previous one during the Great Singapore Sales. It is really fishing for your clothes, you can't try out the shirt, there is not much design left. And if there is the problem of size comes in. In the end I got 2 new shirt not bad at all.

Then movie with my friend, a sweet gal from my University. Went to Bakerzin, had pasta and some tapas desserts. We watched Death at a Funeral, a British comedy. It a slow start but the laugh factor went up in the middle. Not you usual America comedy, quite refreshing if I may said so. Had a long chat after the movie, catch up with each other work and what are our next career path to take. Chat till almost midnight, time really flies when we are having fun.

All and all it has been a great day!

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