Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My score in Finding Ms Right

Mark, your dating personality is: Social Idealist

Mark, when it comes to dating, you are a Social Idealist. This means you feel in your heart that there is one special partner out there for you and chances are, you've spent plenty of time daydreaming about them. You've probably imagined all kinds of things about who they are, compiling a mental checklist down to the smallest details. After all, knowing what you want is a good thing. You're pretty sure you'll know love when you see it and you're more than willing to go out and find your ideal mate. Being naturally social, meeting people may feel almost like a hobby of yours. You enjoy chatting up friends of friends, or even total strangers, more than most people do. But this outgoing nature doesn't mean you take whatever comes your way. When it comes to finding a love interest, you're not interested in just anyone. You want "the one." This romantic quest likely has you sizing up new people's potential as soon as you meet them. In the first five minutes of talking to someone at a party, you've probably determined whether you find them attractive, critiqued their personality, and decided whether or not they're a long-term prospect. You may have even named the offspring you would have with them. Your checklist-style quick judgment can work both for and against you. Many people don't measure up to your ideals. Be careful of any tendency to throw a potential date away too quickly. You just may overlook a fantastic mate because they have a funny laugh or the wrong colored hair, and ultimately, is it worth it to do that? You never know where love will blossom, and with so many different prospects to choose from, even the process of looking can be fun. Based on your answers to the test, we can also tell that you've often relied on destiny to guide your romantic life. Tending to sit back and let the universe do its work, you may expect that one day you'll simply bump into your ideal mate like lovers do in the movies. Perhaps you've even found yourself saying, "When the time is right, love will find me." Because of this approach, meeting new people can feel like a random event. So far your search for love has demanded that you be in the right place at the right time. Sometimes fate works like a charm. After all, your past relationships have probably come from places you'd never expect. Still, if you've failed to make a proactive plan to meet people up until now, you may have found that you've gone for long stretches without dating anyone at all. If you take just a little time and make just a little effort to direct your search a bit, you could increase your chances of meeting someone right for you.

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