Yes today is Feb 29. Where it only happen once every 4 years!
So what so special about this day, it is just another day that was put into our calendar so that it will match up with the solar years(correct me if i'm wrong).
I still have to work in the office. There is no day off for this day...Wait should they not declared a world wide holiday for this day. They should since this is such a rare day that happens only once every four years. It not like Xmas, CNY or even New Year that happen every year.
Another reason where we should not work is that we are pay based on 365 days and not 366 days. Even if they give me the additional money for that one day, it pales in comparison with a holiday. I rather go out and spent money to enjoy one day of fun rather than get pay for one day of work.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Burnt out!!!
Yes, seriously I feel burn out from work today. Everything was fine in the morning but when I come back to work after lunch. My mood went from high to bottom low. I think it due to my no goal in life that propels me to this state.
Is it really worth working where I don't see myself contributing much at all?
Really, what is there for me to work hard for now. Promotion? Nay it seems that management is not really that keen. The work I do is getting boring beside the occasion in-depth queries that fire up my brain! Even if I do still keep working I don't know what and why am I working for. For myself? for my family?
Gosh at times I wonder what the point of earning my keep but have no one to share it with. Is it really worth working my ass off but at the end of the day have no one to share it with.
Maybe I should join something useful or have a short term goal to work towards too. Any good suggestion?
Is it really worth working where I don't see myself contributing much at all?
Really, what is there for me to work hard for now. Promotion? Nay it seems that management is not really that keen. The work I do is getting boring beside the occasion in-depth queries that fire up my brain! Even if I do still keep working I don't know what and why am I working for. For myself? for my family?
Gosh at times I wonder what the point of earning my keep but have no one to share it with. Is it really worth working my ass off but at the end of the day have no one to share it with.
Maybe I should join something useful or have a short term goal to work towards too. Any good suggestion?
Monday, February 25, 2008
Blue blue blue
No idea no what so ever.
Just feel blue on this monday!
No goal, no target and no motivation.
Just feel blue!
Not just another Monday
Just a Blue blue blue Monday
Just feel blue on this monday!
No goal, no target and no motivation.
Just feel blue!
Not just another Monday
Just a Blue blue blue Monday
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Comments pls
Love me, spoil me A survey has found that Singapore women expect their dates to pay for meals, see them home and carry their handbags By Mak Mun San CONFIDENT. - Sunday Time, Life Section 24-feb-08
Assertive. Practical. Not into mind games. That's what 21st-century Singaporean women are, right?
All efficiency in their smart suits, they have rolled up their sleeves and proven their mettle, earning good money as they show their savvy in the workplace, flood into top universities and make their point in politics. But not when it comes to dating, it would seem.
Whether shopgirl or career gal, these Miss Independents turn into pampered princesses who expect the mere male of the species - as they view him - to be at their beck and call.
That's according to a recent survey of 200 singles by the Social Development Service, which found that women's expectations of their male dates are more like they are going out with Prince Charming than a real, live man.
Get this: The survey found that they expect their men to pay for their dates, deposit them safely home afterwards, initiate celebrations and dress up on special occasions, meet them at least twice a week, open doors to cars and restaurants and - oh - some even expect guys to carry their handbags for them.
Yes, handbags.
The survey didn't say if they were trendy It handbags that can be the size of a chunky briefcase.
But the image of a specimen of today's manhood clutching some huge neon pink, tasselled girl-bag as he stumbles alongside his hot date does seem a strange one.
Indeed, senior marketing and communications consultant Lu Minru, 36, says that such mindsets and expectations set the feminist movement back 50 years.
'Some women are hypocritical as they demand to be taken seriously and treated equally, but when it comes to dating etiquette, they expect their boyfriends to attend to their every need,' she says.
Someone who prefers what some would call a little old-fashioned courtesy is bank clerk Choy Yuanling, 31.
She dryly recalls one disastrous first date. After the meal, the guy she was with glanced at the bill and asked her: '$24 divide by two, how much, ah?
' Sure, his mathematics inability astonished her. But what she felt was worse was his stinginess. She did hand her share over to her date, but tells LifeStyle: 'I'm fine with going dutch (sharing the bill), but not on the first date. I think it is basic courtesy that the guy should foot the bill.'
And assistant human resource officer Eunice Ling, 32, says she expects men to do everything listed in the survey though she does draw the line at them carrying her handbag.
'If not, what's the point of having a boyfriend? I might as well hang out with my girlfriends,' she says.
For some men, already stressed with the practicalities of fighting bright, clever women at the workplace, it must seem bewildering. And for others, it must simply seem out of touch with reality.
Mr Joseph Wong, 36, an account director at an advertising firm, declares that Singapore women are 'too pampered and demanding'. 'Some of them are a bit of a nightmare and expect too much from men,' he says. 'There should be give and take in a relationship.
If they are always piling on the pressure on men to do this and do that, they'd just put them off.' Mr Wong, who is married with a baby daughter, adds that he has no problems with opening car doors and paying during dates. 'But if I am expected to do all that, then I feel it is a chore. It should come from my heart,' he says.
Regional sales manager Andy Ow, 37, feels that some women just want to have their cake and eat it, too. 'Women set standards selectively,' he says.
'In certain areas, they want us to perform to their expectations. Yet at other times, they want to have their say. They are sending mixed signals and they confuse us sometimes.' But spoilt or not, luckily for demanding Singapore women, there are guys who prefer to play the gentleman.
Take civil servant Ben Chin, 27. He says he is more than willing to carry a woman's handbag to make her feel 'respected and loved'. 'Yes, women are more independent these days, but in their hearts, they just want to be loved even though they might not say it out loud,' he says.
Indeed, while the survey found that 80 per cent of women expect their boyfriends to pay during dates, interestingly, 92 per cent of men polled said they would pay.
Still, Dr Ilya Farber, 39, an assistant professor of social science and philosophy at Singapore Management University, says the attitudes revealed in the survey strike him as 'quite old-fashioned'.
Women lazy or what?
'If those are the most important items on most people's date checklists, then the human race is doomed,' he says, adding that the results seem to reflect the traditional image of women as fragile creatures who need to have everything done for them.
'This is rather disappointing, since getting rid of that image has historically been an important step in establishing equal opportunity for women - in education, in the workplace and in government.'
Some would argue that differences still exist between men and women, from physical make-up to earning power.
According to the Department of Statistics, average monthly earnings for men in 2006 were $4,081 compared to just $2,966 for women.
Etiquette and image consultant Teo Ser Lee, 42, feels that women who expect men to pay during dates and escort them home safely are not being archaic, but simply being real.
'These are basic social graces,' she says, adding that she expects her boyfriends to open car doors for her 'even though it is faster to open them myself'. 'I consider myself a modern woman. I'd fight for a contract, tooth and nail. But when it comes to relationships, I will take the submissive role and let the man wear the pants.'
The founder of dating agency Lunch Actually Violet Lim, 28, tells LifeStyle she has come across many female members who declined to go on a second date with a guy despite finding him witty and intelligent because he did not pay for her share.
'No matter how financially independent a woman is, ultimately, most would want to know that the guy is willing to provide for them should there be a need. Hence, seemingly small things like opening doors and paying during dates are tell-tale signs of their future to many women,' she says.
On the other hand, marketing consultant Ms Lu, whose husband is Australian, says that while they were dating as students in Melbourne, she insisted on going dutch, although he did pay for dinner sometimes.
'Both of us were equally in love and wanted to spend time to get to know each other, so I thought it was unfair that he foot all bills,' she says.
Still, whether a woman is all for dutch treats or else like the survey singletons and prefers date treats, some women LifeStyle spoke to nixed the idea of tote-toting guys.
Ms Sue Yeo, the 33-year-old owner of dating agency Drinks At Eight, says: 'Not only do the men look ridiculous, I absolutely do not see how doing this proves an act of love and concern. If women are too lazy to take care of their personal belongings, then don't carry a bag.'
Meanwhile, Ms Mika Fujii, 41, managing director of an advertising firm here, does not understand all the fuss. 'In Japan, many women of my generation don't expect men to do anything special for them. It's nice if he opens doors for me, but I'm physically capable of opening them myself. If he's very rich, he can settle the bill but I will be equally fine with going dutch.
'In fact, I wouldn't allow a man to send me home unless I already know him very well. What if he turns out to be a pervert?' she says.
Assertive. Practical. Not into mind games. That's what 21st-century Singaporean women are, right?
All efficiency in their smart suits, they have rolled up their sleeves and proven their mettle, earning good money as they show their savvy in the workplace, flood into top universities and make their point in politics. But not when it comes to dating, it would seem.
Whether shopgirl or career gal, these Miss Independents turn into pampered princesses who expect the mere male of the species - as they view him - to be at their beck and call.
That's according to a recent survey of 200 singles by the Social Development Service, which found that women's expectations of their male dates are more like they are going out with Prince Charming than a real, live man.
Get this: The survey found that they expect their men to pay for their dates, deposit them safely home afterwards, initiate celebrations and dress up on special occasions, meet them at least twice a week, open doors to cars and restaurants and - oh - some even expect guys to carry their handbags for them.
Yes, handbags.
The survey didn't say if they were trendy It handbags that can be the size of a chunky briefcase.
But the image of a specimen of today's manhood clutching some huge neon pink, tasselled girl-bag as he stumbles alongside his hot date does seem a strange one.
Indeed, senior marketing and communications consultant Lu Minru, 36, says that such mindsets and expectations set the feminist movement back 50 years.
'Some women are hypocritical as they demand to be taken seriously and treated equally, but when it comes to dating etiquette, they expect their boyfriends to attend to their every need,' she says.
Someone who prefers what some would call a little old-fashioned courtesy is bank clerk Choy Yuanling, 31.
She dryly recalls one disastrous first date. After the meal, the guy she was with glanced at the bill and asked her: '$24 divide by two, how much, ah?
' Sure, his mathematics inability astonished her. But what she felt was worse was his stinginess. She did hand her share over to her date, but tells LifeStyle: 'I'm fine with going dutch (sharing the bill), but not on the first date. I think it is basic courtesy that the guy should foot the bill.'
And assistant human resource officer Eunice Ling, 32, says she expects men to do everything listed in the survey though she does draw the line at them carrying her handbag.
'If not, what's the point of having a boyfriend? I might as well hang out with my girlfriends,' she says.
For some men, already stressed with the practicalities of fighting bright, clever women at the workplace, it must seem bewildering. And for others, it must simply seem out of touch with reality.
Mr Joseph Wong, 36, an account director at an advertising firm, declares that Singapore women are 'too pampered and demanding'. 'Some of them are a bit of a nightmare and expect too much from men,' he says. 'There should be give and take in a relationship.
If they are always piling on the pressure on men to do this and do that, they'd just put them off.' Mr Wong, who is married with a baby daughter, adds that he has no problems with opening car doors and paying during dates. 'But if I am expected to do all that, then I feel it is a chore. It should come from my heart,' he says.
Regional sales manager Andy Ow, 37, feels that some women just want to have their cake and eat it, too. 'Women set standards selectively,' he says.
'In certain areas, they want us to perform to their expectations. Yet at other times, they want to have their say. They are sending mixed signals and they confuse us sometimes.' But spoilt or not, luckily for demanding Singapore women, there are guys who prefer to play the gentleman.
Take civil servant Ben Chin, 27. He says he is more than willing to carry a woman's handbag to make her feel 'respected and loved'. 'Yes, women are more independent these days, but in their hearts, they just want to be loved even though they might not say it out loud,' he says.
Indeed, while the survey found that 80 per cent of women expect their boyfriends to pay during dates, interestingly, 92 per cent of men polled said they would pay.
Still, Dr Ilya Farber, 39, an assistant professor of social science and philosophy at Singapore Management University, says the attitudes revealed in the survey strike him as 'quite old-fashioned'.
Women lazy or what?
'If those are the most important items on most people's date checklists, then the human race is doomed,' he says, adding that the results seem to reflect the traditional image of women as fragile creatures who need to have everything done for them.
'This is rather disappointing, since getting rid of that image has historically been an important step in establishing equal opportunity for women - in education, in the workplace and in government.'
Some would argue that differences still exist between men and women, from physical make-up to earning power.
According to the Department of Statistics, average monthly earnings for men in 2006 were $4,081 compared to just $2,966 for women.
Etiquette and image consultant Teo Ser Lee, 42, feels that women who expect men to pay during dates and escort them home safely are not being archaic, but simply being real.
'These are basic social graces,' she says, adding that she expects her boyfriends to open car doors for her 'even though it is faster to open them myself'. 'I consider myself a modern woman. I'd fight for a contract, tooth and nail. But when it comes to relationships, I will take the submissive role and let the man wear the pants.'
The founder of dating agency Lunch Actually Violet Lim, 28, tells LifeStyle she has come across many female members who declined to go on a second date with a guy despite finding him witty and intelligent because he did not pay for her share.
'No matter how financially independent a woman is, ultimately, most would want to know that the guy is willing to provide for them should there be a need. Hence, seemingly small things like opening doors and paying during dates are tell-tale signs of their future to many women,' she says.
On the other hand, marketing consultant Ms Lu, whose husband is Australian, says that while they were dating as students in Melbourne, she insisted on going dutch, although he did pay for dinner sometimes.
'Both of us were equally in love and wanted to spend time to get to know each other, so I thought it was unfair that he foot all bills,' she says.
Still, whether a woman is all for dutch treats or else like the survey singletons and prefers date treats, some women LifeStyle spoke to nixed the idea of tote-toting guys.
Ms Sue Yeo, the 33-year-old owner of dating agency Drinks At Eight, says: 'Not only do the men look ridiculous, I absolutely do not see how doing this proves an act of love and concern. If women are too lazy to take care of their personal belongings, then don't carry a bag.'
Meanwhile, Ms Mika Fujii, 41, managing director of an advertising firm here, does not understand all the fuss. 'In Japan, many women of my generation don't expect men to do anything special for them. It's nice if he opens doors for me, but I'm physically capable of opening them myself. If he's very rich, he can settle the bill but I will be equally fine with going dutch.
'In fact, I wouldn't allow a man to send me home unless I already know him very well. What if he turns out to be a pervert?' she says.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Today is my first activation back to camp. The things I do to protect my country!
Overall, I wasted my whole Sat morning just for this...yawn I'm so tired now
<--- Tired looked while taking the cab back home!
It is such a trouble to pack all my stuff and stuff it inside my big Ali-ba-ba bag.
By 10.30am my Sgt sms me to alert me that our officer has been activated and been recall back to camp. Gosh so early. So that means I should be activated soon. So I was sitting at home waiting for that call. By noon I yet to get any so I was so tired that I took my nap and about 2pm my phone rang with that faithful call.
I got 2 hours to report
back to camp with all my gears. Gosh I must have not been exercising lately for it feel like a ton carry all those stuff back to camp. Travel all the to Kranji camp and had to walk all the way in with the weight on my shoulder. Queue up to get my IC scanned, then queued up again to let the officer inspect my bag. Then signed my name and out I go. Seem to be a short procedure but took me about 2 hours to get out of the camp.
Overall, I wasted my whole Sat morning just for this...yawn I'm so tired now
<--- Tired looked while taking the cab back home!
Fool's Gold
Kate Huston and Matthew McConayghey is back at it once more. If you all recall they were together in a flim called, "How to lose a guy in 10 days" about 5 years ago. It was a great movie then and now they are back together in this show, "Fool's Gold".
Bascially it is trying to combined the trill of "National Treasure" and more light hearted comedy in this flim. What I like is the supporting actress in the show. She really can act the role of a BIMBO very well. So well that it looks nautural! She add a lot of laughter in the flim with all her girly action. Both the lead actor and actress are very good too. Guess they still have that chemistry since their last movie together!
This is a good show to share with your good friends or first date. So sit back and don't think to much and you will enjoy it.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
The one big fat TOTO jackpot is out.....
Nothing for me......
hiya so much I can do if I were to strike that 10 million!
Guess I will try again next year!
Nothing for me......
hiya so much I can do if I were to strike that 10 million!
Guess I will try again next year!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
To Changi!
Yes all the rumours flying around last month is true! We are moving to Changi Business Park. Now we only need to know when! I'm not very happy about this for this is so far from where I stay at the moment. The current working hours demand that I'll be in the office at 8am everyday. So if I go to Changi that means I have to wake up at about 6 take the train about 6.45. Taking into account about an hour trip to Expo and then to the office. This is so crazy!
What should I do?????
What should I do?????
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Yuan Xiao
Not my day
Today is a Sat. Really don't have much to do today. Took a few hrs off to nap in the afternoon then off to church as usual.
Then I really wanted to do something cause it is so bored. My life is very boring now after that incident. Anyway just want to do something and stop my mind from wandering. So after mass went down to Cathy to catch Juno. Went there and to my surprised it was all sold out. Kaoz not even one ticket was available. So I quickly took off to PS hoping to get one. Yet again no more tickets!
There is this Chingay festive today so why are people packing up the cinema?I really cannot solved this, usually I can get any ticket since getting 1 ticket is very easy. Then later I found out that many are celebrating V-day. Sucks...I quickly had a meal at Carl's Junior before making my way home. Everyone is in a pair me being the odd number really stands out!

Well it been a while that I have Carl's Junior so can't stop to take a picture of it. It really a big portion but I still managed to finish it.
Then I really wanted to do something cause it is so bored. My life is very boring now after that incident. Anyway just want to do something and stop my mind from wandering. So after mass went down to Cathy to catch Juno. Went there and to my surprised it was all sold out. Kaoz not even one ticket was available. So I quickly took off to PS hoping to get one. Yet again no more tickets!
There is this Chingay festive today so why are people packing up the cinema?I really cannot solved this, usually I can get any ticket since getting 1 ticket is very easy. Then later I found out that many are celebrating V-day. Sucks...I quickly had a meal at Carl's Junior before making my way home. Everyone is in a pair me being the odd number really stands out!

Well it been a while that I have Carl's Junior so can't stop to take a picture of it. It really a big portion but I still managed to finish it.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Dinner with friend
Had a dinner with an University friend on Wed. Met her at Raffles City and before I even had a proper "Him how have you been". She was into full business mode trying to get someone to setup store at her area. I'm really impressed how committed she is into her job. Me, haha after work I just left work where I have left it back in the office!
Had dinner at the new renovated Basement of Raffles City. The food was so so not the best but with good company all was good. Had a good hearty chat and glad that she is still enjoying and loving her job.
After dinner we just went around to a few shops. She went to get some cards and gosh are those cards expensive. After buying printed cards and a notebook that we realized it cost over 35 bucks. Gosh why the jack up price? It seems that a plain card cost 50Cent each but a printed one cost $2.50. How do they set such a price? Really feel like a carrot head kanna chop.
Next we went to get her a pair of shoes since the current one is killing her. Due to lack of time she might not have got what she wants. Well after that we just went home. Was a fun experience shopping with her. Had a good time and some very good laughter!
Had dinner at the new renovated Basement of Raffles City. The food was so so not the best but with good company all was good. Had a good hearty chat and glad that she is still enjoying and loving her job.
After dinner we just went around to a few shops. She went to get some cards and gosh are those cards expensive. After buying printed cards and a notebook that we realized it cost over 35 bucks. Gosh why the jack up price? It seems that a plain card cost 50Cent each but a printed one cost $2.50. How do they set such a price? Really feel like a carrot head kanna chop.
Next we went to get her a pair of shoes since the current one is killing her. Due to lack of time she might not have got what she wants. Well after that we just went home. Was a fun experience shopping with her. Had a good time and some very good laughter!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Lion in the Office!

It might be simple but at least it did brings with it some CNY Mood into the Office.

Lion trying to jump up and grab the Ang Bao on the ceiling!
Lion with the greedy eye lock on the big fat Ang Bao
It was a short 3 min dance. Too bad we did not manage to take a group pic with the Lion!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Off Day
Yes today is my first day of leave for the year!
So what did I do today. Really nothing much, the only thing I did is to sleep. To catch up with all my lost sleep during CNY. Gosh how good it is just to rest and sleep the whole afternoon.
Over the past few days I by chance got to keep in touch with an old friend in my Pre-U days. She is doing well now and doing a post-grad which is wow. I always know that she has a talent in writing and now pursing it is a good thing. We used to go out with the whole gang back then. Quite a happening gang where we suan each other and poke fun of anything under the sun. Those were the days!
Just saw her pic recently, and gosh did she changed she don't look her age(that means she look younger). Guess a change in hair cut and good make up knowledge does indeed can turn back the clock. We had a good chit chat over msn and gosh how many things has changed since we keep in touched. Many have married and have children now. Kaoz age is really catching up now!
So what did I do today. Really nothing much, the only thing I did is to sleep. To catch up with all my lost sleep during CNY. Gosh how good it is just to rest and sleep the whole afternoon.
Over the past few days I by chance got to keep in touch with an old friend in my Pre-U days. She is doing well now and doing a post-grad which is wow. I always know that she has a talent in writing and now pursing it is a good thing. We used to go out with the whole gang back then. Quite a happening gang where we suan each other and poke fun of anything under the sun. Those were the days!
Just saw her pic recently, and gosh did she changed she don't look her age(that means she look younger). Guess a change in hair cut and good make up knowledge does indeed can turn back the clock. We had a good chit chat over msn and gosh how many things has changed since we keep in touched. Many have married and have children now. Kaoz age is really catching up now!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Extended CNY
Yes I will be on leave for another 3 days, while most will be working by tomorrow. Why did I took this leave? Firstly, I thought I will be going back to Malaysia for visiting and also I want to spend some time with someone.
So what happen now? We did not go to Malaysia for visiting and I'm lost with that someone at the moment. So for the next coming 3 days I'll just stay at home or maybe randomly ask my friend out for tea/lunch/dinner.
CNY has been fun for hanging out with old friends once again. One of my best Buddy is going to be a father soon and another going to have his wedding dinner at the end of the year. Therefore, I can offically said my status has risen to being an Uncle now(don't count within the family).
So what happen now? We did not go to Malaysia for visiting and I'm lost with that someone at the moment. So for the next coming 3 days I'll just stay at home or maybe randomly ask my friend out for tea/lunch/dinner.
CNY has been fun for hanging out with old friends once again. One of my best Buddy is going to be a father soon and another going to have his wedding dinner at the end of the year. Therefore, I can offically said my status has risen to being an Uncle now(don't count within the family).
Friday, February 8, 2008
Next CNY
I got nothing to do in office today so I surf around and discover when is the next CNY till 2010.
The Chinese New Year Day falls on the following dates in the Gregorian calendar:
Year 2009
January 26, 2009
Year 2010
February 14, 2010
Wow CNY on 2010 is on V-day itself!!! Good day to propose to the one you love?
The Chinese New Year Day falls on the following dates in the Gregorian calendar:
Year 2009
January 26, 2009
Year 2010
February 14, 2010
Wow CNY on 2010 is on V-day itself!!! Good day to propose to the one you love?
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
My score in Finding Ms Right
Mark, your dating personality is: Social Idealist
Mark, when it comes to dating, you are a Social Idealist. This means you feel in your heart that there is one special partner out there for you and chances are, you've spent plenty of time daydreaming about them. You've probably imagined all kinds of things about who they are, compiling a mental checklist down to the smallest details. After all, knowing what you want is a good thing. You're pretty sure you'll know love when you see it and you're more than willing to go out and find your ideal mate. Being naturally social, meeting people may feel almost like a hobby of yours. You enjoy chatting up friends of friends, or even total strangers, more than most people do. But this outgoing nature doesn't mean you take whatever comes your way. When it comes to finding a love interest, you're not interested in just anyone. You want "the one." This romantic quest likely has you sizing up new people's potential as soon as you meet them. In the first five minutes of talking to someone at a party, you've probably determined whether you find them attractive, critiqued their personality, and decided whether or not they're a long-term prospect. You may have even named the offspring you would have with them. Your checklist-style quick judgment can work both for and against you. Many people don't measure up to your ideals. Be careful of any tendency to throw a potential date away too quickly. You just may overlook a fantastic mate because they have a funny laugh or the wrong colored hair, and ultimately, is it worth it to do that? You never know where love will blossom, and with so many different prospects to choose from, even the process of looking can be fun. Based on your answers to the test, we can also tell that you've often relied on destiny to guide your romantic life. Tending to sit back and let the universe do its work, you may expect that one day you'll simply bump into your ideal mate like lovers do in the movies. Perhaps you've even found yourself saying, "When the time is right, love will find me." Because of this approach, meeting new people can feel like a random event. So far your search for love has demanded that you be in the right place at the right time. Sometimes fate works like a charm. After all, your past relationships have probably come from places you'd never expect. Still, if you've failed to make a proactive plan to meet people up until now, you may have found that you've gone for long stretches without dating anyone at all. If you take just a little time and make just a little effort to direct your search a bit, you could increase your chances of meeting someone right for you.
Mark, when it comes to dating, you are a Social Idealist. This means you feel in your heart that there is one special partner out there for you and chances are, you've spent plenty of time daydreaming about them. You've probably imagined all kinds of things about who they are, compiling a mental checklist down to the smallest details. After all, knowing what you want is a good thing. You're pretty sure you'll know love when you see it and you're more than willing to go out and find your ideal mate. Being naturally social, meeting people may feel almost like a hobby of yours. You enjoy chatting up friends of friends, or even total strangers, more than most people do. But this outgoing nature doesn't mean you take whatever comes your way. When it comes to finding a love interest, you're not interested in just anyone. You want "the one." This romantic quest likely has you sizing up new people's potential as soon as you meet them. In the first five minutes of talking to someone at a party, you've probably determined whether you find them attractive, critiqued their personality, and decided whether or not they're a long-term prospect. You may have even named the offspring you would have with them. Your checklist-style quick judgment can work both for and against you. Many people don't measure up to your ideals. Be careful of any tendency to throw a potential date away too quickly. You just may overlook a fantastic mate because they have a funny laugh or the wrong colored hair, and ultimately, is it worth it to do that? You never know where love will blossom, and with so many different prospects to choose from, even the process of looking can be fun. Based on your answers to the test, we can also tell that you've often relied on destiny to guide your romantic life. Tending to sit back and let the universe do its work, you may expect that one day you'll simply bump into your ideal mate like lovers do in the movies. Perhaps you've even found yourself saying, "When the time is right, love will find me." Because of this approach, meeting new people can feel like a random event. So far your search for love has demanded that you be in the right place at the right time. Sometimes fate works like a charm. After all, your past relationships have probably come from places you'd never expect. Still, if you've failed to make a proactive plan to meet people up until now, you may have found that you've gone for long stretches without dating anyone at all. If you take just a little time and make just a little effort to direct your search a bit, you could increase your chances of meeting someone right for you.
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