Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Men in their 30s

Woman being single in their late 20s and 30s said they are left in the shelf....

Men single at that stage are said to be in the Prime......

I see that "Prime" as being more hornier lol.....

Monday, May 26, 2008


Took a day off from work to have some R&R.

Had some fun with my New PSP(will post another entry on this) in the morning

In the early afternoon took off to catch Indiana Jones. Was hoping to get a free ticket using my UOB Debit Card. Yes they give away 1st 50 ticket away free if anyone flashes the UOB Debit card on a Monday before 5pm. To know more about this deal please visit the official UOB website for more information.

Got my ticket and went for a quick lunch. But was stop by the usher saying there is something wrong with my ticket. In the end only shows that are not free list are "Free". So I really want to watch Indiana Jones and I pay for it.

The gal(nice gal though) at the booth who sold me the tix, said to come back to her after the show and she will get me another show. Since I'm on leave why not.

After the show ends at 4, I went back and she offered me What Happen In Las Vegas at 4.50pm.

In the end I caught 2 shows almost back to back with a break of about an hour. Both show are great since I just pay for like $6 for two movies.

Things can be better if I was not alone....

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Toy Car!

How RBS is willing to showcase their "Toy Car"

Another rare toy car I saw while walking to work.......
Now how do they park this car? And how many car park coupons does it needs?
You tell me!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Beakfast and the View

Feeling hungry before I really start my work today.

I went down to grab myself what most typical Singaporean will get.
A cup of hot Tea and Kaya Toast from "旺".
I like their Kaya very thick but not too sweet! Yum Yum.
My cup of Tea-O and Toast!
The Bread
As I enjoy my Breakfast, I looked out at the seaview that I have. Indeed it is a very nice view especially with today's weather.
Take a look for yourself (view to afar)
The NEAR View
Spoilt the nice skyline that I used to have before the construction of the Condo, "The Sail"
Yes it is a freaky expesnive Condo but hey almost any Condo now is expesnive due to the sky rocket property prices now.
Yet amongst all this ugly construction I get to see what the Sail can offer to their to be owners.
From the Bird-eye view, one can see the tennis court and the swimming pool!
Now when will the Bikini babes starts to swim and tan down there??

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Harold & Kumar - A Poetic approach

Quiet Please as Kumar recite his

Square Roots of 3

"I'm sure that I will always be! A lonely number like root three.

The three is all that's good and right.

Why must my three keep out of sight. Beneath the vicious square root sign.

I wish instead I were a nine. For nine could thwart this evil trick, with just some quick arithmetic.

I know I'll never see the sun, as 1.7321. Such is my reality, a sad irrationality.

When hark! What is this I see!

Another square root of a three . As quietly co-waltzing by,

Together now we multiply. To form a number we prefer,

Rejoicing as an integer. We break free from our mortal bonds.

With the wave of magic ands our square root signs become unglued

Your love for me has been renewed. "

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Labour Day is a Work day and a HAPPY DAY too!

Yes I worked on Labour Day and I'm damm Happy about it!

Did I have a nut screw off my head! NO my head is all good!

I worked on a Public Holiday while others enjoy theirs

Why am I happy?

Because today is an easy day. Not much work for me as most Market is close beside Japan.
So When Japan market closed I can go also go off!

But that not the perks that I'm happy about. It the Off that I get and the meal allowance that I get. Yes it might not be a lot but it did make my day.

And here is why. with that allowance I managed to treat my friend and I to a nice meal at Diao Xiao Er. Ok did not managed to cover all the cost but about 80% was covered!

And then we went for a movie, Iron Man. Btw the movie was free too due to the free movies passes I won!

So overall I did not spent much at all today for a fun Evening! It almost FREE!

The Food was great and the Movie was good too. The company I had is PRICELESS!

Thanks Lobster!