Sunday, July 27, 2008

Being alone is not sad

I have been asked why do I spend the Leave on Friday all by myself.
Some said why am I so sad, what happen to me and all.
I laugh at that cause I don't feel any of those and wonder how they came to that conclusion.

Let me clarify this. I was not sad nor unhappy on that Friday.

For those who knows me I do watch movie alone. I have been doing that for a long time that I don't bother to keep tracks the number of years I do that. Also when one goes to the movie who sit and pay attention to what is showing on the big screen. So does it matter if you are alone or with friends in the movies? It does not, the only matter is after the movies. But then again I talking about watching movie alone not about pre or post movies.

Oh about the movie, I walk into the cinema on Friday without having my portion of the ticket stub tear. Meaning the door was open with no one guarding it and I just walk in. Now I wonder can I do that next time w/o a ticket hehehehe.

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