Sunday, June 29, 2008

The 5 People You Meet in Heaven

A short story by Mitch Albom.

Very nice and easy reading. This book is touching and shows that that our life are interconnected regardless of what decsion we made.

It do so by starting with death, with death comes a new begining. It tell how Heaven is not all about being happy but knowing how you life came to be. How 5 people touch and change your life be it bad or good.

I wonder who will I meet in Heaven...For the I hope one will be KaKa Monster.
Dont ask me why it just how I feel now.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Deja Vu

My old time friend just gave birth to a baby girl today, her second child.
Her name is 佳玉. A very nice name.
I wish that she will grow up to be a 玉玉人!
Congrats to the Mom my good friend once more.
Thanks for making me feel old hahahaha

Feeling of falling in love once more comes knocking on my door.
But again brain starts to rasie all the alarm bells and this time round to avoid being hurt one got to stop.

So feeling the age from having more neice and nephew, and the feeling of false love .
This is a DEJA VU for me once more.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Your Personality Type: The Social Realist

Your Personality Type: The Social Realist

Social Realists are popular persons full of energy. They are reliable, well organized and helpful. Traditional values are important to them. Founding a family also plays a central role in their life. Social Realists have a marked social streak. They are always ready to listen to the worries and problems of others and spare no effort when they are asked for help. With empathy and understanding, they can sense what other people need. Social Realists are always willing to highly regard the strong points of the other person and to excuse that person’s weaknesses. They are the most sociable of all personality types. Social contacts are very important to them.

Social Realists find it very difficult to cope with conflicts and criticism - harmony is their elixir of life. Acknowledgement and esteem are very important to this type. Differentiation on the other hand is not necessarily one of their strong points. At work and in partnerships, they are loyal, committed and always there when needed. They find it easy to make friends due to their open, warm manner and they have a large circle of friends. In love, they are faithful and attentive and care for their partners with a great deal of imagination and sensitivity. Social Realists show their feelings openly and honestly. Should a relationship break up, they tend to blame themselves. That is why they find it very difficult to end a partnership even if it has not fulfilled their requirements for some time.

Social Realists are more conservative types. They have a set system of values and rules which is orientated to the prevailing traditions. They prefer clear, structured surroundings and work processes; they find too much change und unrest unpleasant. Their strong points are carefulness and reliability and not so much flexibility and spontaneity. Social Realists are open-minded towards anything new only to a limited extent. But, should one be looking for someone to fulfil a task reliably and exactly, they are the right persons.

So Is this Me. You Tell Me!
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

IRAS coming knocking on my door

Today I am official slapped with a bill by the government.
A bill indicates that as a Citizen of Singapore I must do my scared duty of paying my yearly due.


Regardless how much I pay. The underlying is I am and Have to Pay.

Guess this said I'm a full grown adult now!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Pure Crazy Nite

Let the pics said it all